A Culinary Nutritionist in Brazil
The beginning of 2020 brought the nutritionist Dalila Roglieri to the other side of the world, or to Brazil!
As a Culinary Consultant I worked to create a real taste itinerary among the flavors and typical local foods for a group of travelers, a real tailor-made culinary experience that took into account nutritional needs and objectives, taste and quality of food.
The consultancy service stems from my passion for food and wine and from the experience gained following international collaborations such as Silversea and Abercrombie & Kent.
Savoring Farofa, Moquem, Angu de Quitandera, Banana, Okra, Taro, Cassava and Mango - specialties of Brazilian culinary culture - from Rio De Jainero to Angra dos Reis, I accompanied travelers to discover this extraordinary land also through food.
The contact and knowledge of culinary traditions offers the opportunity to "taste" a territory and really get in touch with local customs.
Among the restaurants that as a nutritionist I have selected for travelers, I would like to recommend Assador, Rio De Jainero churrascheria, Satyricon, among the best fish restaurants in Ipanema.
During the week I also took care of organizing the menu and the taste experience for private dinners in dream places including Santa Teresa and the Sugar Loaf with lobsters, fresh prawns or the famous Pichana.
DaRò wellnesscuisine with my collaboration is the project that promotes quality catering and food as a culinary experience and in search of product excellence all over the world. It offers a Travel Food & Nutrition Consulting service for the creation of culinary experiences for single travelers and / or small groups, hotels and resorts, travel agencies and tour operators in Puglia and all over the world.